01 sierpnia 2024

La Nouvelle Ville de Pierre 1815.

Last week, Peter invited us to play a game using the Valour and Fortitude rules. He wanted to showcase his new town terrain model, which is truly impressive and will enhance our club's demonstration game scenery. Those of you in the UK can see it at Britcon this year. In the game, the French are launching an attack with three infantry brigades and two light cavalry brigades to capture the town and possibly the nearby church. The British and their allies are defending the town and the church.

SCENARIO: Peter Mearns, Mike Evans
Peter Mearns, Mike Evans

1. Forces.

(Bartek, Campbell, Peter)

1st Infantry Brigade

3 x Line Infantry
1 x Light Infantry
1 x Infantry Detachment
1 x Horse Gun

2nd Infantry Brigade

3 x Line Infantry
1 x Light Infantry
1 x Infantry Detachment
1 x Field Gun

3rd Infantry Brigade

3 x Line Infantry
1 x Light Infantry
1 x Infantry Detachment
1 x Field Gun

1st Cavalry Brigade

2 x Light Cavalry

2nd Cavalry Brigade

2 x Light Cavalry


Heavy Cavalry Brigade

2 x Cuirasiers
1 x Carrabiniers
1 x Dragoon

(Gordon (later replaced by David), Mike, Tim)

British Infantry Brigade

1 x Highlanders
1 x Light Highlanders
2 x Line Infantry
1 x Infantry Detachment
1 x Field Gun

Brunshwig Infantry Brigade (in town)

4 x Line Infantry
1 x Field Gun

Hanoverian Infantry Brigade

4 x Line Infantry
1 x Infantry Detachment
1 x Horse Gun

1st British Light Cavalry Brigade

2 x Light Cavalry

2nd British Light Cavalry Brigade

2 x Light Cavalry

2. The game.

The French planned to attack the flanks of the town to prevent the Hanoverians and British from supporting the defenders. Reinforcements were expected to arrive, and we anticipated they would come to support my flank, the most promising for outflanking the enemy. I initiated the attack, and my columns advanced towards Tim's British forces. On my right, a brigade of light cavalry engaged with its British counterpart. Following a series of charges and countercharges, the French demonstrated their superiority and flanked the British infantry. Despite facing difficulties, the British defended against my infantry brigade's attacks. Simultaneously, my heavy cavalry entered the battlefield and gradually flanked and were ready to attack the British flank and rear.

During that time, Campbell was also advancing on our left flank. He faced some difficulty because the Hanoverians had set up their defences around the church and the wall along the road. Despite heavy losses, Campbell managed to slowly push the enemy out of their positions. Meanwhile, David was having trouble with his dice rolls, as he kept getting mostly ones. Peter played a crucial role, with the support of Campbell's light units and mine, in storming the town. Mike's Brunswick soldiers bravely defended their positions but started suffering losses as they lacked support. Eventually, Peter took one part of the town and Campbell sneaked in from behind, leading to a draw in the game objectives. The final result was determined by game points, and the French won in this regard.

3. Links.





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