09 sierpnia 2024

By Fire and Sword 2nd edition: Task Force for the first time.

We played another game using the By Fire and Sword rules, this time at the Task Force level for the first time. I encountered trouble getting to the club due to detours and roadworks, so I arrived late. This affected the gameplay because it took me some time to prepare the game. It was also a factor since we were playing at this level for the first time. I also participated in the game, which affected the number of photos I was able to take. Only when I was leaving did I realise I had taken very few photos, so the description will have to compensate for this lack.


SCENARIO: Key Positions
UMPIRING: Bartek Zynda

1. Forces.

(Alasdair, Andy, Bartek)

Field Task Force (1648-1660) (FSP: 58, M: 8, R: 3, V:4)


1 x Dragoons (S) (Veterans)

Main Forces:

Colonel (4 orders)
Lt. Colonel (3 orders)
Major (2 orders)

2 x Mercenary Reiters (S) (Veterans, Undermanned Companies, Disciplined)
1 x Armoured Mercenary Reiters (M) (Veterans, Undermanned Companies, Disciplined)
1 x Dragooned Musketeers (M) (Veterans, Additional Ammunition)
1 x Light Cannon Battery (S) (Veterans, Additional Ammunition)

(David, Michael, Tim)

Hetman Force (1653-1657) (FSP: 68, M: 8, R: 3, V:5)


1 x Polish Dragoons (S) 

Main Forces:

Colonel (4 orders)
Rotamaster (3 orders)

1 x Cossack Style Cavalry (M)
1 x Pancerni (S) (Kalkan Shields, Additional Pistol)
1 x Pancerni with Spears (S) (Additional Pistol)
1 x Husaria (M)
1 x Haiduks (S)

2. The game.

To balance the odds, the Swedes decided to utilize several Stratagems. They selected the following: Determination, Secured Positions, and Excellent Reconnaissance. In the Vanguard Action phase, both sides opted for Cautious Reconnaissance. Moving on to the Reconnaissance phase, the Swedes emerged victorious this time. As the winners, they chose Interrogation, which they used on the Husaria, and Forced March. The Poles selected Successful Skirmishing, resulting in one point of disorganization being incurred by our Dragoons and two points being received by one unit of Reiters. Subsequently, we initiated the first round.

In the first round, the Swedes captured all the Objective Markers. Our Musketeers, using the Forced March tactic, occupied strategic positions and prepared to engage the Cossack Style Cavalry. In the centre, the cannons targeted the Husaria but did not inflict significant losses, while the Armored Reiters moved forward and controlled the area between the two forests. On our left, the Polish Dragoons secured a small grove, but they were then targeted by the Swedish Dragoons and had to retreat in response.

Our Musketeers fired a salvo at the Cossack Style Cavalry before our Reiters charged them. The Cossacks suffered significant losses, and even the intervention of the Rotamaster did not have much effect. In the next phase of the melee, they were destroyed by the Reiters. In the second melee, the Armoured Reiters attacked the Pancerni with Spears. The Reiters needed two rounds of melee, and the Poles were also destroyed. In the next melee, the Pancerni clashed with our second unit of Reiters, but this fight was not finally decided. In the last one, the Hussars charged the bottom of our Dragoons, who greeted them with a salvo. The Hussars practically ran over the Dragoons, and this was the last action of the game because we ran out of time. At that moment, the Swedes were the winning side, and this was the result with which we ended the fight.

3. Links.



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