02 sierpnia 2024

By Fire and Sword 2nd edition: Clash of Vanguards.

During another game using the By Fire and Sword 2nd edition rules, we introduced the system to some new players. After the last game, many questions came up, and I'd like to thank Sławek and Mikołaj for their helpful introductory video on the WarbandTV channel. It's currently in Polish, but I hope they'll add English subtitles, as it offers a simple and clear overview of the game.

SCENARIO: Clash of Vanguards
UMPIRING: Bartek Zynda

1. Forces.

(Alasdair, David)

Garrison Skirmish Force (1648-1660) (FSP: 40, M: 5, R: 1)

Lieutenant Colonel (4 orders)

1 x Mercenary Reiters (S) (Undermanned Companies, Veterans Presented)
1 x Swedish National Cavalry (M)
1 x Swedish National Infantry (M)
1 x Dragoons (S)
1 x Light Cannon Battery (S) (Veterans)

(Michael, Tim)

Polish Skirmish Force (1650-1673) (FSP: 39, M: 5, R: 2)

Colonel (4 orders)

1 x Polish Dragoons (S)
1 x Cossack Style Cavalry (M)
1 x Pancerni (S)
1 x Pancerni with Spears (S) (Veterans, Kalkan Shields)

2. The game.

This time, the sides were not evenly balanced, and the Polish player had the opportunity to select one of the Stratagems for the Clash of Vanguards scenario. The Polish players chose Cold Blooded. The reconnaissance phase began, and as usual, the Poles emerged victorious. They selected two effects: Forced March and Successful Skirmishing. The Swedes chose Interrogation. Following that, we proceeded with the deployment and implemented the effects of the reconnaissance. The Swedes compelled the deployment of Pancerni with Spears, while the Poles used a Forced March on Pancerni and inflicted losses on Reiters and the National Infantry. With that, the game commenced.

The Polish forces took the lead and advanced. The dragoons were targeted by cannon fire but managed to escape unharmed. The Pancerni attacked the Reiters, compelling them to withdraw.

The Reiters successfully broke away from the Pancerni, but they attacked them again. Unfortunately, the Swedes were stuck to the edge of the table and had nowhere to retreat. The Polish Dragoons received a second salvo from the cannons and this time had to retreat. In turn, the Swedish Dragoons took the woods in the middle of the field. The rest of the Polish cavalry moved towards the Swedish edge, unmolested by anyone.

As you may have guessed, this was the final round of the Swedish Reiters. The guns were fired at the Cossack Style Cavalry, but they did not inflict any serious losses. During this round, the remaining Polish cavalry entered the Swedish deployment zone, causing the morale of the Swedish troops to collapse. The Rzeczpospolita emerged victorious!

Many players preferred the new edition, but one player thought the first edition was better. It's all a matter of taste. We've agreed to continue the game next week, and this time, players will create their army lists.

3. Links.

WarbanD TV video on YouTube:



To be updated soon...


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