15 maja 2024

Wowgram 1809.

Last Thursday at our club (SESWC Edinburgh), we gathered to play using my favourite Black Powder system. The game was a Napoleonic game, enhanced with the Clash of the Eagles supplement. This time, we played for points, specifically 600 points. Michael together with Mike led his Austrians, while I with David led my Duchy of Warsaw.

SCENARIO: Michael Schneider, Bartek Zynda
UMPIRING: Michael Schneider, Bartek Zynda
SCENERYMichael Schneider, Bartek Zynda, SESWC
FIGURES & MODELSMichael Schneider, Bartek Zynda

1. Forces.

(Bartek, David)

General of Division (9)

1st Infantry Brigade

General of Brigade (8)
4 x Infantry Battalion
1 x Regimental Gun

2nd Infantry Brigade

General of Brigade (8)
4 x Infantry Battalion
1 x Regimental Gun

Cavalry Brigade

General of Brigade (8)
2 x Ułan Regiment (veteran)
1 x Horse Gun

(Michael, Mike)

General of Division (8)

1st Infantry Brigade

General of Brigade (8)
1 x Jaeger Battalion (large)
3 x Line Battalion (large)
1 x Regimental Battery

2nd Infantry Brigade

General of Brigade (8)
1 x Jaeger Battalion (large)
2 x Line Battalion (large)
1 x Regimental Battery

Cavalry Brigade

General of Brigade (8)
1 x Dragoon Regiment (large)
4 x Chevalier Leger (small)
1 x Horse Gun

2. The game.

Everything went according to plan. With the advantage of light cavalry, the Austrians had to deploy first. We also initiated the game. The main objective of the game was to capture a hill in the middle of the battlefield, worth 10 points. We used a scoring system that awarded points for destroyed units, taken directly from the supplement. We advanced and successfully captured the hill in the first turn. Our attack on the Austrian flank was also successful, resulting in the destruction of two of their battalions. Unfortunately, our cavalry did not support our attack and lagged behind, which would soon come back to haunt us.

The Austrians fell back and reorganized. However, they launched a more effective attack on our positions, managing to push me down the hill and separate my brigade from David's. Our situation looked grim, but I spotted an opportunity. If I could regain the hill and eliminate one of the Austrian battalions, we might still have a chance to win. I launched an attack but unfortunately, I was defeated, leading to our ultimate loss in the game.

3. Links.





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