20 maja 2024

Harlem Heights. 16.09.1776.

Here is a report from a recent game played at our club (SESWC Edinburgh): The Battle of Harlem Heights, which took place on September 16, 1776, during the American War of Independence. The scenario was prepared by Michael. We played using Black Powder rules, incorporating some of our House rules, such as an inverted turn sequence (initiative, shooting, orders, melee, reinforcements) and fatigue movement (100% for the first move, 50% for the second, and 25% for the third).

SCENARIO: Michael Schneider
Michael Schneider
SCENERYMichael Schneider, Bartek Żynda, SESWC
FIGURES & MODELSMichael Schneider

1. Forces.

(Alasdair, Bartek)

On table:

Major-General Alexander Leslie (8)
1 x British Light Infantry (Large)


Turn 3:

Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Stirling (8)
1 x British Line Infantry (Large)
1 x 6pdr Gun

Turn 6:

Colonel Carl von Donop (8)
1 x Hessian Grenadiers
2 x Jaeger Companies (small, skirmish)

Turn 8:

Major-General Charles, Earl Cornwallis (9, CinC)
1 x British Line Infantry

Turn 10:

Major-General Sir John Vaughn (8)
2 x British Grenadiers

(David, Mark, Tim)

On table:

Brigadier Gen. John Nixon (8, CinC)
1 x Militia


Turn 1:

5 x Continental Infantry

Turn 3:

Lieut. Col. Thomas Knolton (8)
1 x Rangers (small, skirmishers)
1 x Riflemen (small, skirmishers)

Turn 4:

3 x Militia
1 x 6pdr Gun

Turn 5:

Brigadier General Paul Sargent (8)
2 x Militia

2. The game.

The game began with a British Light Infantry unit under my command and a militia unit led by Tim. We had the advantage at the start, so I fired at the militia and launched an attack. After a brief hand-to-hand fight, the militia unit was destroyed. I then returned to my starting position and observed as the Continental troops entered the battlefield. Meanwhile, Tim took a more challenging route through the wetlands, which slowed down his movement. Alasdair later joined my forces with his brigade, and we formed the first line of defence. We planned to retreat under enemy pressure, secretly hoping to survive until the main forces arrived. As the colonists' pressure intensified, we had to retreat while constantly fighting back, using accurate fire and successful charges, resulting in the colonists losing another unit.

David and Mark joined the fight. Mark attacked from the front, while David flanked us. Fortunately, our reinforcements arrived and saved our flank. Despite continued pressure from the Colonists, I survived and destroyed another unit. We halted their advance at a small river when our main forces appeared. We were then able to retreat safely behind our lines. The Colonists didn't dare to attack our main forces, and the battle ended in a British victory.

During this battle, only the Colonists suffered losses: 2 x Militia and 1 x  Continentals.

3. Links.




To be updated soon...



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