27 listopada 2014

Judge Dredd; Berlin - update. Sędzia Dredd; Berlin uzupełnienie.

This week there wasn't any game at Hugh's and in the club we had our AGM. Surprisingly the AGM finished very quickly and we had time for very good board game called Judge Dredd. In this game you play one of the judges and tried to arrest as much criminals (you are getting points for criminal and their crime) as you can and of course other judges doing everything to stop you and get the victory to themselves. In our four players game, Matt [the Greek] was victorious with 62 points collected I took the second place with 42 points and Paul [the Greek] and Derek Hodge took the third and fourth places. I was really enjoyed this game, however I'm not very familiar with Dredd's universe.
W tym tygodniu gra u Hugha została odwołana a w klubie mieliśmy doroczne spotkanie organizacyjne. Zaskakująco spotkanie skończyło sie bardzo szybko i mieliśmy czas na rozegranie planszówki zatytułowanej Sedzia Dredd. W tej grze wciela się w jednego z sędziów, których zadaniem jest pojmanie jak największej liczby kryminalistów (otrzymuje się punkty za każdego kryminalistę i popełnione przez niego przestępstwo), z kolei inni sędziowie działają przeciwko tobie i sami starają się osiągnąć zwycięstwo. W naszej czteroosobowej grze zwycięstwo odniósł Matt [Grek], zdobywając 62 punkty, drugi byłem ja, zdobywając 42 punkty a dalsze miejsca zajęli Paul [Grek] i Derek Hodge. Bardzo mi się ta gra podobała pomimo faktu, że uniwersum Dredd'a jest mi stosunkowo obce.

The second think is promised you OdB from our last game: Berlin 1945 (previous post). Here it is:
Druga sprawa jest obiecany OdB naszej ostatniej gry: Berlin 1945 (patrz poprzedni post). Oto on:

Soviet Order of Battle - all regular

Elements of 3rd Shock Army Unter Den Linden
(Hugh Wilson, Bartek Żynda)
594th Rifle Regt
AT Coy: 2 45mm ATG ea 3 figures
AT Coy: 76mm FG + 3 crew
Gun Coy: 76mm IG + 3 figures
Eng Coy: 8 figures including Fl Thr

1st Rifle Btn:
HQ: CO + 4 figures including ATR
Rifle Coy: 8 figures
Rifle Coy: 8 figures
SMG Coy: 8 figures
MG Coy: MMG, 81mm Mtr, 6 figures

2nd Rifle Btn as 1st
3rd Rifle Btn as 1st but no mortar


Tank Regiment 4 T34/85
SU Regt 4 ISU152
SU Regt 4 ISU122
SU Regt SU100, 2 SU85
GBT Tank Regt 3 IS2
GBT Tank Regt 3 IS2

Off table
How Btn: 3 122mm How with on table FO

Elements of 5th Shock Army Tiergarten
(Bill Gilchrist)

694th Rifle Regt
AT Coy: 2 45mm ATG ea 3 figures
AT Coy: 76mm FG + 3 crew
Gun Coy: 76mm IG + 3 figures
Eng Coy: 8 figures including Fl Thr

1st Rifle Btn:
HQ: CO + 4 figures including ATR
Rifle Coy: 8 figures
Rifle Coy: 8 figures
SMG Coy: 8 figures
MG Coy: MMG, 81mm Mtr, 6 figures

2nd Rifle Btn as 1st
3rd Rifle Btn as 1st but no mortar

Tank Regiment 4 T34/85
SU Regt 3 ISU152
SU Regt 2 SU122
SU Regt 2 SU76
GBT Tank Regt 2 IS2
GM Btn 2 Katyusha with FOO

Off table
Mortar Btn: 3 120mm Mtr with on table FO

Support 1

1st Gds Para Btn (Vet)
HQ: CO + 4 figures including Fl Thr
Rifle Coy: 8 figures
Rifle Coy: 8 figures
Rifle Coy: 8 figures
MG Coy: MMG, 81mm Mtr, 6 figures

31st Gds SMG Scout Btn (Vet) (not used)
HQ: CO + 4 smg figures
Rifle Coy: 6 smg figures
Rifle Coy: 6 smg figures

32nd Gds SMG Scout Btn (Vet) (not used)
HQ: CO + 4 smg figures
Rifle Coy: 6 smg figures
Rifle Coy: 6 smg figures

Polish Rifle Btn (not used)
HQ: CO + 4 figures including ATR
Rifle Coy: 8 figures
Rifle Coy: 8 figures
Rifle Coy: 8 figures
MG Coy: MMG, 81mm Mtr, 6 figures

German Order of Battle

(Tim Watson, Ray Neal)

101st Panzer Grenadier Btn regular test @ 20
HQ – CO + 5 figs inc 1 x Panzerschreck
Coy 1 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 2 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 3 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
MG Coy –mmg, 81mm mortar, 6 figs
Supp Coy – 75mm PAK, 75mm IG, 6 figs

102nd Panzer Grenadier Btn regular test @ 20
As 101st

CJ Nordland Pz Gren Btn regular test @ 20
HQ – CO + 4 figs inc 1 x Panzerschreck
Coy 1 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 2 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 3 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
MG Coy –mmg, 81mm mortar, 75mm PAK, 9 figs

CJ Munchenberg Pz Gren Btn regular test @ 16
HQ – CO + 4 figs inc 1 x Panzerschreck
Coy 1 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 2 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 3 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
MG Coy –mmg, 3 figs

CJ Volksturm Btn Poor test @ 15
HQ – CO + 4 figs inc 1 x Panzerschreck
Coy 1 – 7 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 2 – 7 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 3 – 7 figs inc Panzerfaust
MG Coy –mmg, 3 figs

2 Indep coys of Volksturm
Ea 6 Figs incl Panzerfaust

PzJg Coy: BIV JgPz

(Colin Jack)

CJ Estonian Pz Gren Btn regular test @ 20
HQ – CO + 4 figs inc 1 x Panzerschreck
Coy 1 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 2 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 3 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
MG Coy:mmg, 81mm mortar, 120mm Mtr, 9 figs

301st Panzer Grenadier Btn regular test @ 19
HQ – CO + 5 figs inc 1 x Panzerschreck
Coy 1 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 2 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 3 – 8 figs inc Panzerfaust
MG Coy –75mm PAK, 3 figs

CJ Volksturm Btn Poor test @ 15
HQ – CO + 4 figs inc 1 x Panzerschreck
Coy 1 – 7 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 2 – 7 figs inc Panzerfaust
Coy 3 – 7 figs inc Panzerfaust
MG Coy –mmg, 3 figs

CJ Indep Naval coy – 10 figs incl Panzerfaust

Berlin Support

11th 'Herman von Salza' Pz Battalion
Coy: 3 Panther
Coy: 3 Panther

503rd Schw Pz Btn
Coy: 4 Tiger I

Artillery Btn
2 x 105mm Howitzer ea 4 figs
2 OP teams

AA Div
Coy: 20mm AA, 2 figs
Coy: Qd 20mm AA, 3 figs
Coy: 88mm AA, 4 Figs
Coy: 88mm AA, 4 Figs

AT Btn
88mm PAK43, 4 crew

Pz Coy: Maus

4 komentarze:

  1. Great order of battle, might just pinch thse and upgrade to Chain of Command.

    1. Yes it is great OoB, however I'm afraid is little to big for CoC. But I could be wrong and you possible will prove it with your fantastic game ;)

  2. Matt the Greek as well as Paul the Greek?
