czwartek, 25 stycznia 2024

The Bridge. Battlegroup Kursk.

Alan asked me to play another game with the Battlegroup rules. This time for 250 points. It's always good to give figures and models some air, especially if some of them have never seen action. This gave us a quick game set in 1943 somewhere in Russia.

SCENARIO: Bartek Żynda
Bartek Żynda
FIGURES & MODELSAlan Hynd, Bartek Żynda

1. Forces.

(Alasdair, Bartek, Gordon)

From Rifle Division Battlegroup

Forward Headquarters

Rifle Platoon
Maxim Machine Gun
Light Mortar Team
Infantry Gun

2 x T-34


Cavalry Squadron

(Alan, David)

From Infantry Division Battlegroup

Forward Headquarters
with Heavy Car

Grenadier Platoon
all on medium trucks, with AT grenades.
75mm PaK40 with medium truck tow and 3 men loader team
Infantry Gun with medium truck tow and 3 men loader team

Timed 105mm barrage

Timed Ju87 attack

2. The game.

We fought the battle with only one objective, the bridge. Germans did not have any recce unit, which caused the Soviets outmanoeuvred them. Red cavalry (by the way first time on the table) quickly moved through the table and took the bridge. When Germans fired at them from artillery, they took cover in the nearest building. The rest of the Red Army moved slowly on the table. The attack was led by two T-34 tanks. Germans were unable to respond to that. The PaK shot a few times, but missed, unlike the Soviet tankers, who were exceptionally good this time. They managed to pin down the German guns and in that way eliminated them from the rest of the game. Then came some surprises for the Soviets. First came the 105mm gun barrage, but hit nothing then their infantry was bombed by a Stuka bomber. That caused some pin markers, but no casualties and their morale flew high! With more Soviets being able to join the fight, the German situation became very critical. Soon they reached their breaking morale point. The game was won by the Soviets, very decisively. As we still had a lot of time, we decided to continue the game. Gordon has left and I took his place. We continued the Soviet attack and soon Germans reached their breaking point again!

2 komentarze:

  1. Bardzo fajna bitwa. Aż wstyd się przyznać, że w czasie gdzie jeszcze coś grałem, to nigdy nie sięgnęłam do tego systemu..

    1. Dziękuję. Wstydu nie ma. Na grę nigdy nie jest za późno ;) Polecam!
