Last game of our small campaign with Rapid Fire! rules. So far it is 1:1 and the last game was a big chance for Michael to win. However, there was a small trap I placed in the scenario, the excess of goods issue. For the last game, we returned to the town of Krzegrzowice, which will see the Soviet assault.
Ostatnia gra naszej małej kampanii z zasadami Rapid Fire! Dotychczas był remis 1:1 i w ostatniej grze Michael miał dużą szansę na zwycięstwo. Jednakże zastawiłem w scenariuszu małą pułapkę, problem z nadmiarem dostępnych środków. Do naszej ostatniej gry powróciliśmy do miasteczka Krzegrzowice, które miało stać się świadkiem sowieckiego ataku.
SCENERY / SCENERIA: Bartek Żynda, Angus Konstam, SESWC
1. Forces. Siły.

It is 1944 and we are back in the surroundings of the small town of Krzegrzowice. Germans preparing to defend this important point in their defence lines. Sadly in 1943, they did not manage to crush the Polish Underground and now it is a serious problem for German logistic, as Partisans attacking their supply lines, destroying bridges, railways etc. Germans decided to stand fast in the Krzegrzowice. However, will they manage to fulfil their orders, when they will have to stop incoming massive waves of Soviet and Polish soldiers? Will they receive their reinforcements, or they will be stuck somewhere on the roads to Krzegrzowice? We will see...
The game last: 12 turns.
The river Krzegrzowianka is fordable at any point. Make deductions per move for a continuous obstacle. Vehicles have to do a bogging down test, they will be stuck on a roll 1-3 on D6. When the vehicle is bogged down it can't move or fire. The vehicle can be freed from the bogging down by their crew (5 or 6 on D6), by another vehicle (on a roll of 1 on D6, the rescue mission failed and both vehicles are bogged down), by recovery vehicle (automatic). After the vehicle is freed, it returns to the location it was before it bogged down.
German reinforcements can be affected by the Polish Underground. Before the German unit enters the table, the Soviet player rolls a D6. On a roll of 5-6, the unit is delayed 1 turn. On delayed unit made another test for every vehicle. On a roll of 6, the vehicle is destroyed, but no victory points are collected.
Wooden Bridge in Krzegrzowice. Every vehicle with armour A or B needs to do a test for crossing. On 1, the bridge collapses and the vehicle test for damage as the medium/short range hit.
Zakrzegrzowice: Germans 50 points, Soviet 20 points
Krzegrzowice right bank: Germans 40 points, Soviet 30 points
Krzegrzowice left bank: Germans 30 points, Soviet 40 points
Przedkrzegrzowice: Germans 20 points, Soviet 50 points
Killed figure: 0,1 point
Killed figure of CO: 1 point
Destroyed soft skin vehicle: 0.25 point
Destroyed light tank, half-track or gun: 0.5 point
Destroyed medium tank or self-propelled gun: 0.75 point
Destroyed heavy tank or self-propelled gun: 1 point
Infantry tests as battalions, other per companies.
SOVIET/POLES starting the game.
Armoured Panzergrenadier Battalion (beetween Krzegrzowice and Zakrzegrzowice):
HQ: CO in SdKfz 251/10 + Panzerschrecke team
1st Coy: 8 figures (1 Panzerfaust) in SdKfz 251/1
2nd Coy: 8 figures (1 Panzerfaust) in SdKfz 251/1
3rd Coy: 8 figures (1 Panzerfaust) in SdKfz 251/1
Machine Gun Coy: 2 x MG42MMG in SdKfz 251/1
Mortar Support: 1 x 81mm Mortar in SdKfz 251/1; 1 x 120mm Mortar in SdKfz 251/1
Gun Support: 1 x 75mm PaK with Steur; SdKfz 251/9
KampfGruppe HQ (in old Gestapo Building)
HQ: CO in staff car; SdKfz 250/3; Kfz 9 with 20mm AA
Repair Coy: 1 x repair Kfz 7
AA Battery: 1 x 88mm AAG
1 x Hummel
Motorised Panzergrenadier Battalion (between Krzegrzowice i Przedkrzegrzowice)
HQ: CO in SdKfz Horch car + Panzerschrecke team
1st Coy: 8 figures (1 Panzerfaust) in truck
2nd Coy: 8 figures (1 Panzerfaust) in truck
3rd Coy: 8 figures (1 Panzerfaust) in truck
Machine Gun Coy: 2 x MG42MMG in truck
Mortar Support: 1 x 81mm Mortar in truck; 1 x 120mm Mortar in truck
Gun Support: 1 x 75mm PaK with truck
StuG III Coy (2 x StuG III, 1 x StuH III)
PzKpfw IV Coy (2 x PzKpfw IV)
Panther Coy (2 x PzKpfw V)
Tiger I Coy (2 x PzKpfw VI)
Elefant Coy (1 x Elefant)
Tiger II Coy (2 x PzKpfw VI Konigtiger)
Ju 87 Stuka G1:
turn 2: roll of 5-6, if not, then
turn 3: roll of 3-6, if not then
from turn 4: roll of 2-6, if not then try next turn
The plane can't be affected by Partisans. When arrive stays for 3 turns. If not destroyed, it can return after D3 turns.
Before turn 1: Preregistered Katiusha rockets barrage.
Polish Infantry Battalion
HQ: CO + 3 fig in jeep + ATR team
1st Coy: 8 figures
2nd Coy: 8 figures
3rd Coy: 8 figures
Support Coy: 1 x 50mm Mortar, 1 x 82mm Mortar, 1 x
Maxim MMG
Gun Support: 1 x 45mm ATG with truck
Part of Polish Tank Battalion
Recce Coy: 1 x T-70
1st Coy: 2 x T-34
2nd Coy: 2 x T-34
1st Soviet Motorised Battalion
HQ: CO + 3 fig in a jeep
1st Coy: 8 figures in truck
2nd Coy: 8 figures in truck
3rd Coy: 8 figures in truck
Support Coy: 1 x ATR team, 1 x Maxim MMG team both in one truck
Mortar Coy: 1 x 50mm Mortar, 1 x 82mm Mortar both in one truck
Gun Support: 1 x ZiS-2 ATG with a truck; 1 x ZiS-3 IG with truck
1st Soviet Tank Regiment
HQ: 1 x T-34
Recce Coy: 1 x T-70
1st Coy: 2 x T-34
2nd Coy: 2 x T-34
3rd Coy: 2 x T-34
2nd Soviet Motorised Battalion
HQ: CO + 3 fig in a jeep
1st Coy: 8 figures in truck
2nd Coy: 8 figures in truck
3rd Coy: 8 figures in truck
Support Coy: 1 x ATR team, 1 x Maxim MMG team both in one truck
Mortar Coy: 1 x 50mm Mortar, 1 x 82mm Mortar both in one truck
Gun Support: 1 x ZiS-2 ATG with the truck; 1 x ZiS-3 IG with truck
Brigade HQ
HQ: CO + 2 figures in M3 Scout Car
AA Coy: 1 x M13 MGMC
Repair Coy: Repair truck
Soviet SPG Regiment
HQ: BA-64
1st Battery: 2 x SU-76M
2nd Battery: 2 x SU-76M
2nd Soviet Tank Regiment
HQ: 1 x T-34/85
Recce Coy: 1 x Valentine IX
1st Coy: 2 x T-34/85
2nd Coy: 2 x T-34/85
3rd Coy: 2 x T-34/85
Soviet Heavy Tank Regiment
HQ: 1 x M4 Sherman
Recce 1 x Coy: T-80
1st Coy: 2 x KV-1
2nd Coy: 2 x IS-2
Heavy SPG Battery
Battery: 2 x ISU 152
Air Support:
turn 1: roll of 5-6, if not, then
turn 2: roll of 3-6, if not then
from turn 3: roll of 2-6, if not then try next turn
When arrive stays for 3 turns. If not destroyed, it can return after D3 turns.
Roll 2D6: score = turn it will arrive. Stays for 3 turns. It won't return.
2. The game. Gra.
Initially, it was Campbell to play with Germans, but he was unable and I jump in his shoes and lead the Germans to fight. The game started with preregistered Katiusha barrage. It hit the German HQ position and destroyed the 88mm AT/AA gun. Then Poles arrived, with tanks ahead of their infantry. Moving on foot, it was a very easy target for German rifles, guns and especially mortars. Soon its attack broke down, but new Soviet units arrived. From first turns attack on German positions were supported from the air, which finished with some damages to the German artillery support.
W zamierzeniu, to Campbell miał prowadzić Niemców, ale z pewnych powodów nie mógł i to ja wskoczyłem w jego buty i poprowadziłem Niemców do boju w tej grze. Gra zaczęła się od przygotowania artyleryjskiego w postaci salwy z Katiuszy. Trafiła pozycje niemieckiego dowództwa i zniszczyła działo 88mm. Wtedy do ataku przystąpili Polacy, z czołgami na przedzie i piechotą z tyłu. Poruszając się na piechotę, byli doskonałym celem dla niemieckich karabinów, dział i w szczególności moździerzy. Wkrótce atak się załamał, jednak kolejne oddziały sowieckie nadciągnęły. Od pierwszych tur atak na niemieckie pozycje był wspierany z powietrza, co skończyło się zniszczeniem niemieckiego wsparcia artyleryjskiego.

Polish and Soviet attack on my first line of defence continued. Despite my hard efforts, finally, Red Army Men managed to get through and started attacking the town. It was time for me to withdraw all remaining units on the other bank of the river. Some of my support arrived, but some of them were delayed by Polish partisans. Soviets still moved forward... I tried to stop them with my plane, but it did not work.
Polski i sowiecki atak na moje linie obronne wciąż był kontynuowany. Pomimo moich usilnych starań, w końcu czerwonoarmiści przebrnęli przez moje linie obronne i zaczęli atakować miasto. To był ostatni moment, by wycofać moje pozostałe oddziały na drugi brzeg rzeki. Część moich posiłków przybyła, jednak część została zatrzymana przez polskich partyzantów. Sowieci wciąż parli na przód... Próbowałem zatrzymać ich lotnictwem, ale to się nie udało.

Finally, the Soviets pushed me back behind the river, but I managed to create the defence lines on the bank of the river. Some Soviet tanks managed to cross the bridge but were surprised by a concealed team with the Panzerschrecke. Then the Soviets attack stopped and they decided to use their planes to crush my lines. Unsuccessfully. Till the end of the game, I managed to stop the Soviets from their movements. The front line established on the river. The game was over. For the objectives was a draw, but the Germans caused more casualties to the Soviets and therefore they won the game. How about the trap, it worked very well. Sometimes it was so much chaos in Soviet lines because units were unable to move because others blocked the way. It was my last game in that flat, the next one will be in a new one. As soon I sort the internet there and move all my stuff, of course.
Ostatecznie Sowieci wyparli mnie za rzekę, ale udało mi się na brzegu utworzyć linię obrony. Niektóre sowieckie czołgi przeprawiły się przez most, ale tam zostały zaskoczone przez zamaskowany oddział z panzerschreckiem. Wtedy atak sowiecki się zatrzymał i przy użyciu lotnictwa, starali się skruszyć moje linie obronne. Nieskutecznie. Do końca gry udało mi się zatrzymać ruchy sowieckie. Front ustabilizował się na rzece. Gra była skończona. W celach gry był remis, ale Niemcom udało się zadać Sowietom większe straty i dlatego to oni wygrali grę. Co do mojej pułapki, to zadziałała ona doskonale. W pewnym momencie w sowieckie linie wbił się chaos i jedne oddziały blokowały ruch innym i nie były w stanie poruszać się do przodu. To była moja ostatnia gra w tym mieszkaniu, następna odbędzie się już w nowym. Oczywiście, jak tylko się przeprowadzę i zamontuję Internet w nowym miejscu.
3. Links. Linki.
Will be updated soon...
Dzięki za powrót do Krzegrzowic!
OdpowiedzUsuńSuper raport!
Dziękuję. Jeszcze pewnie nie raz powrócimy do Krzegrzowic ;) Nie zapominajmy, że toczyły się tam ciężkie walki w XVII, XVIII i XIX wieku ;)
UsuńFantastic thanks for posting Bart, great to see the toys on the table.
Thank you. Many of those models were first time on the table and some of them haven't been used for almost 10 years!
UsuńGreat gaming - I like to see the use of aircraft - as that seems to add a realistic dynamic to the scenario.
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you. Agree about aircraft. This time it was ineffective for both sides, but looks great on the table.
UsuńIt was a great game, I had a lot of fun bashing Germans ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you. That was a pleasure to make it possible for you ;)
UsuńGreat game! I read the report with pleasure.
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you.
UsuńWow, most splendid and impressive game...and this collection of vehicles, I'm jealous!
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you.