It's been a while since we last played a game using the For King and Parliament rules. When Peter and Campbell suggested organizing a game, I agreed without hesitation. This time, we had 8 players. It was their first experience with these rules for several of them, and they enjoyed it.
UMPIRING: Peter Mearns
1. Forces.
4 x Pike and Shotte
4 x Pike and Shotte
4 x Pike and Shotte
4 x Cavalry
4 x Cavalry
4 x Pike and Shotte
4 x Pike and Shotte
4 x Pike and Shotte
4 x Cavalry
4 x Cavalry
2. The Game.
There are two collections on the table: Campbell's Parliamentarians and Peter's Royalists. Both gentlemen have agreed to use identical forces, but their deployments are different, as you can see. On the Parliamentarian side, from right to left, we have Campbell commanding the first brigade of cavalry, followed by David with infantry and a battery of cannons. Next is Jimmy with his infantry and cannons, and finally, I am positioned with a brigade of infantry and the remaining cavalry. Opposite me, Peter has his cavalry and infantry. Behind him is Alasdair, who has a cannon and more infantry. Next to him is Michael, with identical forces, and finally, Mike is set up with cavalry.
The game was reaching its climax, and both sides advanced eagerly. On my flank, my cavalry charged into Peter's forces. There was an intense exchange of blows, resulting in both sides losing two cavalry units. However, I successfully managed to wound the Royalist commander.
My infantry advanced as well, but Peter effectively utilized the open terrain and focused his fire on one of my units, which was ultimately destroyed. However, this marked the end of Peter's successes, as he soon faced the concentrated fire from my infantry. There was an exchange of fire, but I was unable to destroy any of his units. It can be concluded that the left flank reached a stalemate, with neither side gaining a clear advantage.
The fiercest fighting occurred in the center of the field. Here, Jimmy and David were attacking Alasdair and Michael. After experiencing some initial successes and securing favorable positions, something inexplicable happened. Our forces began to suffer losses. When I suggested withdrawing, Jimmy decided to continue defending his position. This was not a wise decision. Alasdair and Michael intensified their attack, destroying two of Jimmy's units and one of David's. The consequences of this, along with what transpired on our right flank, ultimately determined the outcome of the battle.
On our right flank, Campbell was engaged with the rest of our cavalry. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, and to be honest, I wasn't too concerned about what was happening there, believing that everything was fine. Imagine my surprise when Campbell suddenly announced that we had lost all our Victory Medals because he had just lost the last cavalry unit. With that, the battle was lost for us. Still, it was enjoyable to play another game with these rules. We will likely face them again soon.
One interesting thing to note is that this has never happened in our games before. First, Mike attempted to activate his unit. He drew an Ace, then tried to use his commander to improve his draw and get another Ace. In the following turn, the same thing happened to me, and then it happened to Peter.
3. Links.
To be updated soon.FLICKR:
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