Somehow we still couldn't hit the target with the planned game, which was different than we had planned. This time Blood Red Skies and Battle of Britain. Spitfires against Messerschmitts. We managed to complete two games during the evening.
1st Game.
1.1. Forces.
1.2. The Game.
In our first game, the Luftwaffe began with their aircraft spread out, while the RAF concentrated their forces in one group. This strategy gave the British an advantage from the start, allowing them to engage in combat with numerical superiority. By the time Alasdair and David joined the game, the contest was already decided. During the fight, two planes were shot down: one Messerschmitt and one Spitfire. However, it was the Luftwaffe that experienced a break in morale and ultimately withdrew from the battle. The final score was 1-0 in favour of the RAF.
2nd Game.
2.1. Forces.
2.2. The Game.
In the second game, we switched roles; we became the RAF while our former opponents took on the roles of Luftwaffe pilots. This time, both sides began the game in formation and quickly got down to business. During the match, one plane, a Spitfire, was shot down, but ultimately, it was the British who managed to force the Germans to withdraw. The final score was 2-0 in favour of the RAF!
3. Links.
Ah, najwspanialszy podniebny konflikt II wojenny. Wygląda to cudownie!
OdpowiedzUsuńDziękuję. Faktycznie Bitwa o Brytanię ma swój klimat.
UsuńGreat looking game - love the terrain mat and planes!