14 października 2024

Galleys & Galleons.

Before my holiday, Campbell revealed his long-hidden project: an early galleons and galleys set called Galleons & Galleys. After my return, I asked him to allow me to familiarize myself with the rules. Last Thursday, we managed to play two games. The rules turned out to be very easy to learn and use. Best of all, they are also very adaptable, allowing you to change a rule to better suit historical realities, for example, if it doesn't suit you. In a word, only advantages.

SCENARIO: Campbell Hardie
Campbell Hardie
FIGURES & MODELSCampbell Hardie

1. Catholic League vs British League.

1.1. Forces.

(Alasdair, Bartek)

SAN INES (Spain)
SAO FILIPE (Portugal)
ZUNIGA (Venice)

(Campbell, David, Michael)

ARK ROYAL (England)
REVENGE (England)
HODGE (Scotland)
GREAT HARRY (Scotland)

1.2. The game.

In our first game, two leagues clashed: the Catholic and the British. Alasdair commanded Spanish ships, and I commanded Portuguese and Venetian ships. On the other side, Campbell commanded Scottish ships, and David and Michael commanded English ships. Right from the start, my ships got too far ahead and, despite my best efforts, they were unable to return to the battlefield before it was decided. They only fired a few inaccurate salvos and then headed off into the unknown. Alasdair, who was lagging behind, found himself in the middle of the fight. Scottish ships attacked him. The Spanish ships, better armed and better equipped, were no match for the Scots. There was an artillery fight, then a ramming, and finally a boarding. The Spanish were superior in all three elements. Eventually, one of the Scottish ships withdrew mangled and the other was captured by the Spanish. Then the English joined the fight. They fired on the Spanish ship, which started to burn. The attempt to extinguish the fire ended in failure and the Spaniard was blown up, while the captured Scottish ship caught fire and also sank. In this situation, the remaining Spanish ship withdrew from the fight. It was a draw.

2. Galleons against the galleys.

2.1. Forces.

(Alasdair, Bartek)

ARK ROYAL (England)
REVANGE (Endland)

(Campbell, David, Michael)

ZUNIGA (Venetia)

2.2. The game.

In our second game, the galleons clashed with the galleys. Once again, Campbell moved his ship forward strongly and once again, his ship was heavily fired upon by Alasdair's ship, causing it to sink. Just when we were expecting an easy victory, a series of unfortunate events occurred. First, my ship unsuccessfully fired upon Michael's ship, which then rammed my ship, causing significant damage. In a short hand-to-hand fight, Michael's crew captured my ship. Alasdair, who was performing a long return manoeuvre, couldn't support me in the fight. When he returned, he managed to fire upon the captured ship and sink it, but then he withdrew from the fight again. It ended in another draw.

3. Links

SESWC (Campbell):




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