12 września 2024

Omdurman 1898.

A while back, I painted a large number of Mahdists and now I'm excited to put them to use. I've selected a scenario from the Black Powder supplement: Blood on the Nile. It's set in Omdurman 1898, where the Egyptian-Sudanese brigade defended itself against a large number of attacking Mahdist troops.

SCENARIO: Omdurman 1898 from Blood on the Nile supplement.
Bartek Żynda
FIGURES & MODELSCampbell Hardie, Bartek Żynda

1. Forces.

(Andy, Peter)

Egyptian Brigade

General MacDonald (10)

4 x Egyptian Infantry
1 x Machine Gun

British Brigade

General Wauchope (8)

4 x British Infantry
1 x Machine Gun

(Mike, Michael, Tim)


Commander (8)

3 x Mahdists Warband with Spears
1 x Mahdists Warband with Rifles


2 x Commander (8)

9 x Mahdists Warband with Spears
3 x Mahdists Warband with Rifles

2. The game.

This game depicts an episode from the battle at Omdurman, where General MacDonald's Egyptian-Sudanese brigade faced a large Mahdist force. With support from the British, the brigade held its ground. The scenario is focused on the arrival of reinforcements and their role in the combat. For more details, please refer to the supplement.

The Mahdists started the battle slowly, attacking the Egyptians with single units instead of using their full force to potentially cause panic in the enemy lines. The Egyptians, for their part, did not form a square formation to receive the enemy, which would have made them vulnerable to defeat. However, the Mahdists did not take advantage of this opportunity. Additionally, the British forces were hesitant to join the battle, and time was running out for Mahdists.

The British forces arrived on the battlefield to support the Egyptians. Subsequently, the Mahdists launched a large-scale attack. The Egyptian battalions were gradually destroyed, but the Mahdists also suffered significant losses. One British battalion was destroyed as well. However, this marked the end of Mahdists' victories. The Egyptians and the British ultimately emerged victorious, but both sides suffered heavy losses: the Egyptians lost 3 battalions and a machine gun, while the British lost one battalion. The Mahdists lost 8 warbands.

3. Links.





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