Today very short post. As Scotland is still under lockdown and in its phase 2 of easing the restrictions, so no gaming is allowed. However, this post will be about the past game. I'm talking about the Waterloo Great Game. Some time ago, on Youtube was published another movie about it. I decided to share it with you, as it is a great summary of that event. You can sometimes spot me during my hard umpiring work. Enjoy!
Dziś bardzo krótki wpis. W Szkocji nadal mamy kwarantannę, chociaż jesteśmy w fazie 2 łagodzenia ograniczeń, więc gry są wciąż zabronione. Jednakże dzisiejszy post będzie o minionej grze. Mam na myśli tutaj Wielką Grę pod Waterloo. Jakiś czas temu na Youtube pojawił się kolejny filmik o tej grze. Postanowiłem się z Wami nim podzielić, ponieważ doskonale podsumowuje całe to wydarzenie. Czasem, nawet widać mnie przy pracy jako jeden z prowadzących tą grę. Życzę miłego seansu!
Great video! I looked with pleasure!
OdpowiedzUsuńI agree. I love especially the animations of the battlefield.
UsuńThanks for posting this Bartek. I had seen about the game, but had not previously caught up with the videos. Interesting that the French went for a 'right hook', even more so that it went quite well. Not sure why they attacked Hougoumont though? A strange comparison to history that it was the French centre that crumbled!
OdpowiedzUsuńRegards, James
As I have umpired that side of the table, where French made the biggest progress, the secret was with better coordination. The more experienced wargammers took the lead and adviced less experienced. Classic team work. I seen lack of that over the Hougoumont... Thank you for your comment.