czwartek, 9 maja 2024

Mahdists. 28mm.

Over several years, whenever I attended wargaming conventions, I would buy a box of plastic Mahdists from the Perry brothers. Eventually, I accumulated so many that they had to be painted to make room for more projects. It took me a month to finish painting them, resulting in 8 new warbands, each with 20 figures. Two of the warbands were equipped with rifles, while the other six had spears. In addition, I used banners designed by Pete Barfield. I now have enough infantry and it's time to get some cavalry for them. All the figures in my collection are from Perry Miniatures, while the bases are a mix of Warbases, Warlord Games and Renedra. To ensure I had enough bases, I used all the 5cm by 5cm ones I had. Fortunately, I was able to replenish my stock thanks to Carronade.

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